Week 2: Mastering Miscellaneous Assistance Appeals
Learn to appeal for transportation repair, funeral expenses, childcare assistance, and more. Ensure success with crucial documentation and strategic insights.
By Murray Wennerlund, published on
As of May 7, 2024, FEMA has updated its policy regarding Financial Assistance for Other Needs Assistance (ONA). FEMA no longer requires applicants to apply for an U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) low-interest disaster loan. This change aims to prevent individuals from being compelled to incur disaster-related debt by accepting an SBA disaster loan, only to find themselves ineligible for certain grants of equivalent financial assistance. It's important to note that grants provided by FEMA do not need to be repaid if used as directed by FEMA, while SBA loans must be repaid and may result in a lien being placed on your real property if you default on the loan.
You have the option to apply for an SBA loan and then choose whether to decline or accept the loan. Your decision should be based on your ability to repay any additional disaster-related debt.
Other Miscellaneous covers many items which are listed on this page with the form you will need to request from your state linked here, FEMA Form 010-0-11.
The top Other Miscellaneous items are:
- Transportation Repair
- Transportation Replace (Total loss)
- Funeral Maximum (Unmet Need)
- Child Care Assistance (Maximum)
Many disaster survivors are unaware that their state has filed with FEMA a form listing the assistance and amounts provided for the assistance in the previous year. This form should be included in your disaster planning documents folder. It will list items like grant amounts that you can used to repair or replace your vehicle. Some State and Indian tribal government list hunting and fishing equipment with amounts. To request your State or Indian tribal government Other Needs Assistance (ONA) Other Miscellaneous submit a request to your state Homeland Security FEMA manager and request "FEMA form Individuals and Housholds ONA Administrative Option with Item list attachments".
This is what the title of the form looks like.
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Individuals and Households Program (IHP) - Other Needs Assistance
Administrative Option Selection
Instructions: This form must be completed and submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) by November 30 every year.
FEMA Form 010-0-11 Individuals and Households Program (IHP) - Other Needs Assistance
TRANSPORTATION loss, you will need to provide one or more of the following documents.
- Copy of title for damaged vehicle(s)
- Copy of current registration card for damaged vehicle(s)
- List of all owned vehicle(s) with the year, make and model and a brief description of the damages and whether or not all or any of the vehicles are drivable
- Verification of vehicle(s) expenses, a verifiable estimate or bill from a licensed mechanic verifying the repair cost and verifying that the damage is disaster related, include the name of the mechanic and company name, address and telephone number
- Verification of comprehensive insurance coverage settlement or statement from you stating insurance coverage does not exist
- Verification of liability insurance coverage or statement from you stating insurance coverage does not exist
- Signed 009-0-3
Transportation Assistance.
Transportation Assistance provides funding to repair or replace a vehicle damaged by a declared emergency or disaster.
Unlike most forms of IHP assistance, applicants do not need to live in the area designated to receive IA, provided:
(1) the vehicle was damaged as a direct result of the presidentially-declared emergency or major disaster; and
(2) the damage occurred in the area designated to receive IA.
Additional eligibility requirements include that the applicant:
(1) owns or leases the vehicle; and
(2) does not own an operational second vehicle, or additional operational vehicles are insufficient to meet the needs of the household.
Per the IAPPG, FEMA and the affected state, territory, or Indian tribal government determine the maximum amount of Transportation Assistance that may be awarded for repair or replacement, which is based on the degree of damage and the state/territory/tribe-set maximum established in the ONA Administrative Option Selection Form.
Eligible vehicles include cars, vans, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), and trucks, and may include motorcycles, boats, golf carts, etc. if specified by the affected state, territory, or Indian tribal government on their ONA Administrative Option Selection Form.
ยง 206.119 Financial assistance to address other needs.
Reference: Website
(a) Purpose. FEMA and the State may provide financial assistance to individuals and households who have other disaster-related necessary expenses or serious needs. To qualify for assistance under this section, an applicant must also:
(1) Apply to the United States Small Business Administration's (SBA) Disaster Home Loan Program for all available assistance under that program; and
(2) Be declined for SBA Disaster Home Loan Program assistance; or
(3) Demonstrate that the SBA assistance received does not satisfy their total necessary expenses or serious needs arising out of the major disaster.
(b) Types of assistance.
(1) Medical, dental, and funeral expenses. FEMA may provide financial assistance for medical, dental and funeral items or services to meet the disaster-related necessary expenses and serious needs of individuals and households.
(2) Personal property, transportation, and other expenses.
(i) FEMA may provide financial assistance for personal property and transportation items or services to meet the disaster-related necessary expenses and serious needs of individuals and households.
(ii) FEMA may provide financial assistance for other items or services that are not included in the specified categories for other assistance but which FEMA approves, in coordination with the State, as eligible to meet unique disaster-related necessary expenses and serious needs of individuals and households.
(c) Eligible costs
(1) Personal property. Necessary expenses and serious needs for repair or replacement of personal property are generally limited to the following:
(i) Clothing;
(ii) Household items, furnishings or appliances;
(iii) Tools, specialized or protective clothing, and equipment required by an employer as a condition of employment;
(iv) Computers, uniforms, schoolbooks and supplies required for educational purposes; and
(v) Cleaning or sanitizing any eligible personal property item.
(2) Transportation. Necessary expenses or serious needs for transportation are generally limited to the following:
(i) Repairing or replacing vehicles; and
(ii) Financial assistance for public transportation and any other transportation related costs or services.
(3) Medical expenses. Medical expenses are generally limited to the following:
(i) Medical costs;
(ii) Dental costs; and
(iii) Repair or replacement of medical equipment.
(4) Funeral expenses. Funeral expenses are generally limited to the following
(i) Funeral services;
(ii) Burial or cremation; and
(iii) Other related funeral expenses.
(5) Moving and storage expenses. Necessary expenses and serious needs related to moving and storing personal property to avoid additional disaster damage generally include storage of personal property while disaster-related repairs are being made to the primary residence, and return of the personal property to the individual or household's primary residence.